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Boy Scout Outdoor Essentials

The Boy Scout Handbook provides a list of essential items that each scout should have for most outdoor activities. These are called The Scout Basic Essentials (also referred to as the Ten Essentials).

The first ten items on the list below are the Scout Basic Essentials. It also includes several additional items that are often found to be very useful on hikes and campouts. A few of these items could be critical to a scout's survival if he were lost in a wilderness area. The scout should know what each item is used for and how to use it.

All of the essentials with the exception of extra clothing can be stored in a large Ziploc bag which is then placed in a day pack or backpack. A transparent Ziploc bag makes it easier for the scout to see exactly what is in the bag. The essentials can be stored in the bag between outings so they'll always be handy and won't need to be assembled each time they're needed.

Other Essentials

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Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more!

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