Previous page: Camping Skills

Adult Supervision

The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are responsible for the troop's outdoor program and for supervising scouts on campouts. In order to carry out a successful program, the Scoutmaster and as many ASMs as possible should complete BSA Outdoor Leader Skills training. This training gives adults an overview of the same outdoor skills that scouts work on for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. It also conveys the importance of using the patrol method during campouts and teaches adults BSA safety procedures.

As long as one trained leader is present, a troop can decide which other adults go camping. If Assistant Scoutmasters aren't available, parents can be enlisted to provide adult supervision on campouts. Any adult who attends a campout should complete at minimum BSA Youth Protection Training, which covers some of the most basic safety practices including two-deep leadership, driving safety, and BSA policies on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.

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Next page: Boy Scout Outdoor Essentials

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