Previous page: Boy Scout Outdoor Essentials


Ideally, patrols plan and cook meals together as a group. The menu is either created by the patrol together or by a scout who is working on some requirement where meal planning is required. Each patrol member may have a duty related to the meal (e.g. fire preparation, food preparation, cleanup, etc.), possibly with the assignments rotated between meals.

The patrol members may be assigned responsibility for providing a portion of the meal. Many troops just have families purchase their own food for the boy and don't use the troop's budget. In some troops, the adult leaders shop for food and supplies. A normal amount of money is around $10 per boy for an overnight campout with a few meals and snacks. Turn in receipts as soon as possible to get reimbursed (if purchasing for a group). Another option is a buddy system for sharing food costs; for example, one boy may provide dinner and the other boy provides breakfast for two. Troops may have food supplies or even a troop refrigerator.

Talk to your patrol leader or patrol cook (or Grubmaster) to learn the procedures for meals at campouts.

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Next page: Camping Gear

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