Previous page: Scout Positions of Responsibility

Training for Youth

Training should begin soon after new positions are assigned or elected. Training is important for the boys to understand and achieve their responsibilities and to know how to lead so they don't become discouraged. The Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, or other experienced scout should provide a quick introduction. The Scoutmaster or Patrol advisors may also help provide training. Generally a Scoutmaster would provide initial training for the SPL, the SPL would train the Patrol Leader, and the Patrol Leader would train the members in his patrol. Formal youth troop leadership training (TLT) should be offered to all current and potential youth leaders at least annually. Youth leader training is available for all leadership positions. The training for most positions is generic. Boys may wear a ``Trained'' patch after completing official training.

Often scouts are assigned a position, but never provided with a description of the position, specific tasks, or objectives. Months may go by without any training or explanation — this is a mistake. If your boy has a position, make sure he knows what his responsibilities are.

Many scouting requirements involve teaching other boys; the standard process is called EDGE, for: explain, demonstrate, guide, and enable. Tips for being a good leader follow:

Official BSA books for Senior Patrol Leaders, Patrol Leaders, Den Chiefs, and other junior leaders are available. Additional training opportunities include SPL training at camps, overnight leadership retreats, mini-trainings as part of the Patrol Leader's Council meetings, National Youth Leadership Training (via the council), and the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).

Previous page: Scout Positions of Responsibility

Next page: The Patrol Leaders Council : PLC

Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting

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