Previous page: Buying Scout Supplies
Summary (The Uniform and Scout Supplies)
- The standard full Field Uniform is used for formal occasions.
- The troop also may have an Activity Uniform (such as a custom t-shirt and cap) which may be used for various activities.
- The Boy Scout Handbook, uniforms, and other supplies may be purchased from an official BSA Scout Shop or a distributor of BSA merchandise.
Previous page: Buying Scout Supplies
Next page: Rank Advancements
Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more! Order the Book Now |