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Once a boy has been invited to join a Boy Scout troop, the troop's Scoutmaster or Committee Chair will ask the parents or guardian to fill out an Application for Youth Membership. This form is provided by the BSA National Council and is the same for all youth members. A health history form should also be filled out. The troop's leaders need to know each scout's health issues in order to do everything possible to guard the safety and well-being of each boy.

When the youth membership form is turned in, the BSA registration fee should be paid. The standard fee is currently $15 per year. This fee may be covered by a troop's charter organization or individual scouts may be responsible for their fee. Some units may have a higher registration fee to suit their needs (such as $75). Each scout is also encouraged to pay an additional $12 for a subscription to Boys' Life magazine. Units may include this subscription in their annual registration fee. Boys' Life is the official monthly BSA magazine for youth. It's a great information resource as well as a source of entertainment for youth. (There may be a two to three month delay before receiving the magazine. Address changes should go directly to the magazine.)

Once a scout is registered in a troop, he will remain registered until he reaches the age of 18 or resigns from scouts. The troop will re-register each scout annually by completing a process called recharter. During recharter, BSA fees are collected from families and the troop roster is updated for the coming year. The registration and rechartering paperwork is usually handled by a member of the troop committee or by a volunteer parent from the troop. (Later fees and dues are introduced on page [Dues Fees Finances].)

Previous page: Getting Started

Next page: First Steps

Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting

Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more!

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