Previous page: Age

Official Application and Paperwork

The Eagle Scout Rank requires official forms to be completed, signed (by multiple people), and submitted. At the time of this book printing, the official Eagle Scout Rank Application is BSA Publication #512-728 (2010 printing).

Note that the application's requirements differ slightly than the Boy Scout Handbook and Boy Scout Requirements book. Follow the application. In some cases, it is slight wording or clarifications.

The application asks for an attachment that contains a statement from the boy about his ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions the boy held that show his leadership skills in the community or at camp, school, church, or for other organizations. This may answer what he plans for the upcoming stages of his life and what he does outside of scouting. If he received any awards, certificates, honors, or other recognitions related to his service, he should mention them also.

At the time of this book printing, The Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook is BSA Publication #512-927 (2009 printing). This is the project plan and using it is required. It should be neat and preferably typed. Some scouts type and print to separate sheets of paper and cut and paste or attach to the workbook as needed. Completing this long workbook is covered in the upcoming sections.

The scout should ask for the application and workbook from his troop committee, Scoutmaster, or Eagle Advisor (upcoming section), or obtain them from the local district or council office. Or he may print out a PDF as downloaded from the Internet. The official download website for the scout forms is at

The writing (or typing) in the application, workbook, and for the individual statement should be neat, well organized, and written in complete understandable sentences. The scout should use correct spelling and proper grammar. He may need to update or retype as needed. He may ask for others to review the application or to provide assistance as needed.

Previous page: Age

Next page: The Eagle Advisor

Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting

Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more!

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