Previous page: Summary (Rank Advancements)
Merit Badges
More than 120 different merit badges (listed at the end of this chapter) provide scouts the opportunity to develop or explore a talent or subject area. Working with knowledgeable counselors on individual merit badges, the scouts learn and apply new skills (or improve upon existing skills).
Small official books (or pamphlets) are available for every merit badge; they provide the requirements plus lots of supplementary information about the topic. Most of the merit badges are electives — scouts can choose what they want to learn and study. A core group of merit badges are required for advancement to Star, Life, and Eagle. This group of badges covers areas that are fundamental to the Scouting program, including citizenship, fitness, life management, and the outdoor experience.
Previous page: Summary (Rank Advancements)
Next page: Merit Badge Counselors
Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more! Order the Book Now |