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Merit Badge Requirements and Resources
Merit badge pamphlets (they're actually small books) are a valuable resource for scouts who are working on merit badges. The numerous books list the badge requirements and provides background information on the merit badge subject matter. Some counselors ask the scouts to read the official merit badge book but should only insist on the exact requirements to earn the merit badge.
Although scouts are not required to have a merit badge book in order to earn a badge, all the information needed to complete a badge is included in the book. Merit badge books can be purchased online or from a local Scout Shop for a small fee. Many troops maintain a library of merit badge books that scouts can check out and use while working on a merit badge. The Troop Librarian should be responsible for maintaining troop merit badge books. Another place to look for merit badge books is at the local public library.
The BSA book called Boy Scout Requirements also lists the requirements for all merit badges and for rank advancement. This is a handy resource for troop leaders and parents, but scouts should be encouraged to use the Boy Scout Handbook and individual merit badge books since they provide a wealth of information in addition to requirements.
Requirements are occasionally modified and updated, so it's a good idea to check online or in the Boy Scout Requirements book for the latest requirements. If a scout started a merit badge prior to a change in requirements, he has the choice to complete the previous version, or work on the current requirements. The most up-to-date merit badge requirements are listed online at
A useful website that provides numerous worksheets and thousands of links for additional information is the Merit Badge Research Center:
Scouts and parents should be careful with other websites that list merit badge requirements since they may be out of date.
A number of activities may be used to complete requirements for multiple badges. But be sure to follow the requirements closely, as in some cases the tasks need to be done separately or with prior counselor permission. For example, at the time of this printing:
- Hiking merit badge hikes may not be used for different merit badges but may be used for Second Class and First Class requirements.
- The activities used for the Sports merit badge may not be used for other merit badges.
- The activities used for the Dog Care, Reptile and Amphibian Study, or other merit badges may not be used for the Pets merit badge.
- Stamp and coin collecting may not be done for the Collections merit badge — do the Stamp Collecting and Coin Collecting merit badges instead if desired.
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Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more! Order the Book Now |