Previous page: Merit Badge Requirements and Resources

Additional Opportunities

Scouts in most troops have a variety of opportunities to earn merit badges. They may offer merit badge classes as part of their normal troop meetings, but this may limit participation since some may have already earned it and some may simply not be interested.

When the troop attends a long-term summer camp, scouts can earn several badges over the course of a week. The local council may offer short-term campouts where scouts can earn merit badges. These typically take place over a weekend.

Another merit badge opportunity is a merit badge day, which is usually offered by a troop as a money earning project. For a small fee, a scout can sign up to attend a half-day or full-day of classes where he earns one or two merit badges. Merit badge sessions or clinics may also be offered by the local district or council. In many cases, these sessions are free of charge.

Many scouts earn their first merit badges at summer camp or at a merit badge day where easier badges (such as Fingerprinting, Art, Leatherwork, and Wood Carving) are usually offered.

To help more scouts within a troop earn merit badges, a merit badge counselor might offer a group session for a merit badge. In this case, BSA suggests that the ratio of scouts to counselor be no more than 8 to 1. A group of scouts will typically meet with one or two counselors to discuss requirements. Requirements are signed off for each scout after he demonstrates his understanding of the subject matter.

Local museums, historic sites, and learning centers may also offer merit badge programs. Search online or ask around to find out information for these opportunities too.

Previous page: Merit Badge Requirements and Resources

Next page: Eagle Required Merit Badges

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Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more!

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