Previous page: Getting Involved
Adult Application
Be sure to turn in an adult volunteer application. This is required to be an adult leader or a merit badge counselor. The parts of the adult application include signing a disclosure and agreement form for the Boy Scouts of America to do background checks including criminal records, sex offender registries, inmate records, court records, Social Security number verification, etc. The adult applicant provides a required Social Security number, driver's license number, ethnic background, occupation and employer, previous residences, character reference contacts, and questions about character.
Youth protection training must be completed. Proof of completion of the Youth Protection Training must be attached to the application.
Adult Registration costs $15 per year. This includes a subscription to the Scouting magazine. The application may also be used to subscribe to the Boy's Life magazine at a discounted price.
The application can be downloaded from the Boy Scouts of America website or obtained from the local unit. (Note that some councils only accept original forms and not downloaded printouts.) The completed and signed form is submitted to the unit committee chairman.
The application must also be signed by the unit committee chairman and the representative for the charter organization. The committee and chartering organization has the responsibility to check references and other information on the application before sending it to the council. The council does the expensive criminal background check. Copies are retained for the local unit's and the chartered organization's records. A copy of the form is sent to the local council where it must be accepted. The scout executive or designee must approve all adult members.
Merit badge counselors need to turn in a separate adult volunteer application and a Merit Badge Counselor Information form. (No fee is required for volunteers who are only merit badge counselors.) Commonly they are registered as counselors after approval with the local district or council. (This is covered in more detail on page [Merit Badge Counselors].)
The adult volunteer is renewed each year through the annual recharter process. (Changing positions does require a new application.) The safety protection training should be renewed every two years.
Previous page: Getting Involved
Next page: Summary (Adult Leadership)
Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more! Order the Book Now |