Previous page: Board of Review


Well run units recognize a boy's achievement multiple times, including in the troop after completing the Scoutmaster conference and eligible for advancement, promptly after passing the Board of Review, and then the patch should soon be awarded in a troop ceremony (such as at the end of a troop meeting or at an outing). (The rank patch replaces the previous patch on the uniform's left pocket.)

It is good to recognize success soon after completing ranks or merit badges during the normal weekly meeting — instead of waiting for months for the next Court of Honor. This helps keep youth interested in scouting.

Formal recognition is done at the troop's Court of Honor in front of family, friends and the public. The boy may already have his patch sewn on by then so may only receive the award's card.

In some units, parents are invited to the front of the Court of Honor presentation and may also be rewarded with a rank advancement pin for the mother and/or a tie tack for the father. Some mothers may have a cloth necklace that contains all the pins for their son(s)'s ranks. Note that awarding the parents is not a rule.

Previous page: Board of Review

Next page: Summary (Rank Advancements)

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