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Scouting involves a lot of scheduling and needs a lot of sharing of planning information. Scouts and parents may need to know when things are due such as paperwork, forms, fees, and payments. A common problem is parents not knowing about upcoming activities, change of schedules, or needed purchases. Boys may forget to call patrol members about meeting changes. Often announcements at patrol meetings and troop meetings are not relayed to parents. Communication resources may be rarely updated.

Information may be communicated via:

Announcements may be presented by an adult leader or committee member, or done by a scout as a scout position (such as Webmaster). The sources of information, if applicable, should be frequently updated. The scouts should be encouraged to take notes when needed. When using a phone tree, they should report back to their leaders.

Adults and youth should not have any one-on-one private communication through social media, email, or other computer messaging. The communication should include other adults or be in a public forum.

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Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting

Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more!

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