Previous page: The Eagle Court of Honor
After the Eagle
The Eagle is not the end of the road — scouts should and do continue active participation in scouting. As youth, the boys can continue to earn merit badges (and Eagle Palms), go camping and on high adventures, and attend meetings. They may work on various awards as introduced in chapter [Other Awards Achievements and Recognitions]. The boys should continue to be leaders (such as a Troop Guide, Instructor, or Junior Assistant Scoutmaster) by sharing their experience with younger scouts and helping plan and lead meetings and activities. The scout may participate in Order of the Arrow (if a member) or join Varsity Scouts or Venturing. He may work at resident camps, take more training courses, and attend Philmont, camporees, and Jamborees, etc.
Scouting is lifelong and the opportunities are endless. When becoming an adult, with proper registration, he may be able to continue service as an adult leader or committee member. (See pages [Adult Leadership] and [Getting Involved] for more ideas.)
Eagle Palms
Before a boy turns 18 years old, he may earn Eagle Palms. A pin is awarded for participation for three months and completing more merit badges (the scout has at least 26). The Bronze palm is for five, Gold for ten, and then Silver for 15 additional merit badges. The scout will participate in a Scoutmaster conference and complete a Board of Review for each palm. The boy may be formally recognized at a normal troop Court of Honor. The pins are worn on the Eagle knot or Eagle badge ribbon in the minimum combination to show count of merit badges beyond Eagle.
Previous page: The Eagle Court of Honor
Next page: Summary (Earning the Eagle)
Order the parents and new leaders guide to Boy Scouting Inside this quick reference you'll learn: how to get started (for the boy, parent, and leader), about significant requirements, how to earn merit badges, to prepare for overnighters and summer camps, what to wear on the uniform, about the boy-led patrols, how to volunteer, steps to complete the Eagle, and lots more! Order the Book Now |